Photo Essay: Portobello Road Market

It is hard to believe that it has taken me so long to get to this market.  When you live in a particular part of London, North South East or West you sometimes become a bit insular.  When I lived in North London I could count on my hand the number of times I went to South London that weren’t work related.

Colourful Houses - Portobello Road

Last weekend D, my friend Lynn and I ventured West to Portobello Road Market.  Lynn (who blogs at The Station Agent Speaks) was after accessories to compliment a dress she bought for opening night at the Sheffield Doc Fest, D wanted to enjoy the fleeting sun, and I wanted to use my new DSLR camera – a very very early birthday gift from D.  Here are my favourite snaps from the day.

Necklaces Portobello Market

Spiky Portobello Market

Head gear flair Portobello Market

The Globe Portobello Market

Vintage Cameras Portobello Market

Fresh Bread Portobello Market

Fresh Coconut Water Portobello Market

Notting Hill Bag Portobello Market

Market opening times

09:00 – 18:00 Monday To Wednesday
09:00 – 13:00 Thursday
09:00 – 19:00 Friday and Saturday.

Closest Tube: Notting Hill Gate or Ladbroke Grove

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Mandy says:

    Fabulous photos! I wish you many, many years of happiness with your new DSLR. I had never been to Portobello Road either until I took my visiting sister-in-law there in 2011. It’s really awesome.

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Thanks Mandy, now I’m looking for a class to take…what was the one you did? It is a great market.

      1. Mandy says:

        I went to the Photo School but it looks like they have stopped giving classes. If I hear of any others, I’ll let you know and likewise, let me know if you hear of any.

  2. Jay says:

    We perused Portobello while in London – such an eclectic place and a great location to test out a new SLR!

    (I used the Photography Concentrate course which I recommend. I should actually go back and give myself a refresher! … and a plus, they’re Canadian!)

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Thanks for the link, much better than the monotone guy on the dvd that comes with the camera. I couldn’t even make it through the whole thing it bored me.

  3. lynnchinwe says:

    Fantastic camera! Fantastic Location! There might be short courses in colleges and or art based schools like a session a week for 6 weeks. I did a really cheap but very useful camera course (specializing in black and white photography) in New York. There must be something similar in London one would think…

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      It really is a great camera! I’m happy now that if I do a big trip my camera will be good enough to capture it all. I brought my old camera with me to Guernsey as well and took a few pictures and did not do the place justice. Also thanks for the tip, I assume there is something here that is equivalent just have to find it.

  4. JR says:

    I still haven’t been. Does that make me naughty?

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Not at all, this was just somewhere I really wanted to visit so surprised it took me so long to get there.

  5. It’s delightful walking around Portobello Road Market with a camera in hand. I went with my DSLR, and came home with two analogs as well! What a sensual treat the place is.
    I just posted a photo essay about the market too!

    1. Melissa says:

      I’ll have to check out your photo essay. I love checking out markets in London and when I travel.

What say you?