
Melissa in London

Spring 2016

I’ve been traveling since I was 2 months old.  Okay…so that’s not entirely true.  I was born in Jamaica and my parents moved to Canada when I was a baby.  I grew up in Toronto and assumed that was where I’d stay.  Then during university I had a lot of friends who were taking semesters abroad and I wanted to do that too.  As a broke student it wasn’t meant to be at that time.  But I started to become interested in the possibility of picking up and moving somewhere new.

A few years after graduating from university a good friend moved to Japan.  I went to visit him and that was when I started to get a glimpse of expat life.  A few months later I went to Cuba then a few weeks after that to Senegal.  Something about travel allows me time to reflect and put things in perspective.  I decided on that trip that it was time for me to get up go and see more of the world.  When I returned from Senegal I applied to go to university in England and moved to London in 2008.

I planned to get my degree and move home at the end of two years.  Almost four six seven eight years later and I am still here!  I don’t know where I’ll end up, Canada, England or some third, fourth, or fifth location.

This blog started because Shawn (who I visited in Japan) convinced me to document my time away.  So I did and thought it would be a great way to update friends and family about my adventures.  That never really worked and I found myself connecting with other expats more than I was updating friends and family at home.  I mostly write about hidden gems in London, expat life and travel mixed in with whatever else I find interesting on both sides of the pond.

Melissa x

29 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi,

    I enjoy your blog, and so I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.
    You can read about what you need to do here: http://londonerfromafar.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/versatile-thanks/
    and get a copy of the Award picture (http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/blog-button/) to place on your blog.

    A Londonder from Afar

    Please note, the award is completely optional and you do not have to accept.

  2. Thanks for liking my post, and for your thoughtful comments. Good luck with your journeys.

    1. wanderlust23 says:

      You’re welcome, great blog you have there.

  3. So glad I found your blog; very well written and I always enjoy reading about people’s experiences of moving to the UK!.

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Thank you very much! So happy to find your blog, can’t wait to peruse through your older posts.

  4. Gyption says:

    like your blog (and you’re beautiful!!!) 🙂
    continue blessed

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      That’s very sweet of you, welcome to the blog!

  5. petchary says:

    What a lovely, pretty photo of you! I fully understand the “itchy feet” – you are young and the world is your oyster, as they say. Explore and broaden your horizons (something so many young Jamaicans don’t get the opportunity to do…) I have lived in Kingston for most of my married life and am getting older now (retired in fact) – but even at my age I am really itching to move, now! I was born in London but have lived in Japan for a few years and traveled widely before settling on this island. Thanks for visiting my blog and please visit again soon! P.S. Home is where the heart is… could be anywhere.

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Thank you for the kind words. Travel is such a vicious cycle isn’t it..after every trip I can’t wait to do it again. I guess that feeling never really goes away. I’m so glad that I’ve found your blog and will be back to look through your archives. It will be nice to get a regular dose of JA.

  6. petchary says:

    Yes, please do browse a little when you have time. I write a weekly piece (Sundays usually) on Jamaican current affairs/events and quite a few other Jamaica-related articles. Sometimes the “dose of JA” is a little bitter to the taste but I also try to see positives… Yes, the travel is a bit of an obsession. I get very restless myself! Just spent five weeks in the UK actually! Keep in touch…

  7. “Wanderlust”… I was trying to look for your real name and couldn’t find it, but thanks for dropping by my blog and following! Been going through your posts and I’m loving it! I traveled to London solo last year, and thought you would have made a good “guide” haha! Best of wishes and a wonderful holidays from across the pond 🙂

    1. Wanderlust23 says:

      Thanks Antoinette, yeah my name is rarely seen because when I first started blogging I wasn’t sure about putting my name out there. I’m Melissa, nice to ‘meet’ you. If you’re ever back in London then do send me a line. NY is one of my favourite places, great blog you have there.

  8. The Hook says:

    Beautiful pic!

  9. Alison says:

    Hi Wanderlust, nice to meet you. Been wandering around your blog – love the ‘witness to Britness’ idea. Don and I are Canadian, and both expats, me from Australia, Don from England.
    Thanks for visiting our blog and for the like on the Cinque Terre post – I really encourage you to go there – it’s beautiful.
    Thanks for following – hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.

  10. Cool blog you’ve got here.

  11. petchary says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and greetings from Jamaica! I am actually a Londoner by birth and have been living here for 26 years now…I like your blog! Give my love to London…

  12. Joyce K says:

    Hi Melissa

    My name is Joyce, I am a marketing executive at expatfinder.com which is a leading expat information and services website.

    I saw on your blog that you are and expat. I wish to interview you to further share some of your tips. The questions are mainly about the housing, the daily life etc.
    It just takes 5 minutes (or more depending if you have lots to say 🙂
    Of course, if you accept we can add a link to your blog or some of your website. 
    If you are interested to participate at this project, please send me an email at interview@expatfinder.com.

    1. Melissa says:

      Hi Joyce, no thanks.

  13. Travel gives you a solid degree in life and adventure. Great idea to get up and go when ever you can. (Now to wander around here a bit more – lovely pictures!)

    1. Melissa says:

      I like that, it does give you a degree in life and adventure. I recognise how lucky I am too because I know people who would love to travel like this but can’t for whatever reasons. Yes much wander even more than before!

  14. roxanaoliver says:

    Hiya Melissa, I love your blog, and would to collaborate with you on something. Please send me an email at roxana.f.oliver@gmail.com so we can talk. I can’t seem to find your email address on the blog…

    1. Melissa says:

      Hey Roxana, thanks a lot! I will send you an email and we can go from there.

  15. sault79 says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I just wanted to follow up on my last email regarding converting your blog posts into mobile apps. This will open up a new revenue stream for you as a blogger. Please note that does not involve any out-of-pocket cost on your part, since we work on a revenue share basis.

    If you have any further questions, please let me know.

    Saul Tarasoff

    1. Melissa says:

      Hey Saul, thanks. I think I will look into that. Although I’m not sure I got your email. I will have a look.

  16. sault79 says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Delighted to hear from you. If you wish to learn more about this opportunity, please reply to my email sault[at]gpsmycity[dot]com or write me your e-mail, so I will send you additional information.

    Saul Tarasoff

  17. sault79 says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I hope you’re well! I just wanted to follow up on my last email regarding converting your blog posts into mobile apps. Are you still interested in collaborating with us?If you wish to learn more about this opportunity, please reply to my email sault[at]gpsmycity[dot]com


    1. Melissa says:

      Sent you an email!

What say you?