Weekly Photo Challenge: Window

Ziguinchor Casamance Senegal - Window

Ziguinchor, Casamance Senegal 2008

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my time in Senegal lately.  When I was there I had a fundamental shift in the way I approach life.  I had such a rich experience but never fully understood everything that was going on.  Inevitably I couldn’t fully participate as the predominate language is French.

My French is not great so I had to rely on others to translate for me, by the end my comprehension was much better as well as my conversational French.    This window represents the barrier that my lack of French was during my time there which separated me to an extent from the fast pace goings on of daily life in Senegal.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. gates, fences, and windows speak to the human soul. Well done: picture and words

    1. Melissa says:

      Yes and doors, I really like taking pictures of them and always wonder what is behind. Thank you.

  2. You travellers must have so many memories associated to so many places around the world. Your picture is a nice metaphor.

    1. Melissa says:

      Thanks, but what do you mean you travellers. You’re one of us as well.

      1. Well, I haven’t really travelled that much at all as compared to most expats that I’ve met.

  3. Mandy says:

    What a fantastic image and I love the meaning you have attached to it. I feel very similar about my time in Serbia – I didn’t mind the translation as I hadn’t realised at that point that i would fall in love with the language – but I was disappointed in how little I knew beforehand about Novi Sad itself, its history, politics and people. Which is why i want to return and I suspect you must feel the same about Senegal.

    1. Melissa says:

      Exactly the same.

What say you?